Boards, Commissions and Committees

Coalinga-Huron Cemetery District

Committee Coalinga-Huron Cemetery District
Enabling Legislation Health & Safety Code, Section 9000 et seq.; BOS Minute Order May 1, 2018
Membership Five Members
Term Specifications Four years
Compensation None
Duties A district may acquire and hold title to property for cemetery purposes. A district may maintain a cemetery or cemeteries limited in use to burial in the ground of residents or taxpayers of the district who purchased lots or plots while residents or taxpayers of the district or members of their families. Families shall be limited to a spouse, parents, grandparents, children and brothers and sisters.
Qualifications • Each appointee shall be a voter in the District (falls within Supervisorial District 4).
Meeting Schedule Monthly
AB 1234 Ethics Training Pursuant to Government Code Section 53235, if any local agency provides any type of compensation, salary, or stipend to a member of a legislative body or provides reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred by a member of a legislative body in the performance of official duties, then all agency officials shall receive training in ethics.
Oath of Office Required
Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700) Required
Contact Bobbi Long (559) 935-1250
P.O. Box 447 Coalinga, CA 93210


Position Members Appointed Date Term Expires Districts
Board Member Torres, Charlotte 2/28/2023 1/4/2027 District 4
Board Member Pimentel, Franco 4/9/2024 1/3/2028 District 4
Board Member Kekaha, Cheri 5/21/2021 1/6/2025 District 4
Board Member Lopez, Virginia "Gina" 2/22/2022 1/5/2026 District 4
Board Member Gonzales, Luis 2/28/2023 1/5/2026 District 4